Spring has finally sprung!  And with spring comes backyard barbeques.  Creating an affordable masterpiece of outdoor kitchen coolness can be relatively easy with a few simple tricks.

Buy a Pre-Made Grill

Obviously, the main centerpiece of any outdoor kitchen is a cool-looking grill.  Basic grills can be modulized with attached islands and even bar space without the need for custom improvements AND they won’t break the bank!

photo of a pre-made grill set up
Photo courtesy of outdoor-kitchen-hom.blogspot.com

When It Gets Dark – Lighten Up!

Outdoor lighting has a ton of options and keeping it simple is easy.  Everything from battery-operated and adjustable lamps to mood-setting, battery operated, table candles are a quick and easy AND inexpensive alternative to digging up your yard to run an electrical line!

Cover Up

Shelter from the the sun, protection from rain, an outdoor canopy provides relief from those unwanted elements that interfere when you’re trying to enjoy your back yard.  From permanent to temporary to collapsible structures, consider putting a roof over your outdoor kitchen — you’ll be glad you did!

And Finally — Keeping it Neat and Organized

Keeping it neat and organized is easy.  Use baskets for napkins, utensils, dishware and glasses and cleaning supplies.    Use hooks for your grilling utensils.  As shown in the photo below, there are many portable options for outdoor kitchen storage and with a little creativity and applied strategy, you can have your cook-space looking good quickly and inexpensively.

Picture of an option for outdoor grilling storage
Photo courtesy of thisoldhouse.com