Where’s My Model Number?
Your appliance’s model number can be an elusive item to find. There is no standard on where the various manufacturers place the model number tag or sticker. On the top, the front, the back, the left or right? Inside, outside — WHERE IS IT?
And then, sometimes the model number can wear off or the sticker can detach. We recommend writing the model number down on your user’s manual or purchase documentation and then placing the user’s manual and all appliance-related documentation in a secure spot such as a file. You may even want to take and store a photo of the model number for insurance purposes.
In any event, the model number is something we’ll ask for because it’s unique to your unit and the parts your unit uses. This also allows us access to parts pricing which then allows us to give you an idea of what your repair will cost — and this saves us time which saves you money. Also located on the model number sticker is the serial number which contains the specifics of the appliance unit, including date of manufacture. Just like the VIN number on your car, the appliance serial number tells us where and when your appliance was made and by whom. It also can include appliance color schemes and accessories included with the unit. We typically DON’T need the serial number, but you just never know, so we also recommend writing it down on your user’s manual.
Washer, Front Load

Washer, Top Load



Refrigerator, Bottom

Refrigerator, Side

Refrigerator, Top

Freezer, Upright

Freezer, Chest


Range, Gas

Range, Electric

Oven, Wall

Range Hood